The Community Weaving Framework is an invitation to explore a question together:

How can we weave healthy communities?

We hope this framework will provide shared language for community weavers, network builders and anyone bringing people together around a shared purpose. May it provide a spark for us to (re)learn what it takes to weave healthy communities and strengthen the relational webs across our shared home Earth.

A warm welcome

Erin Dixon, Fabian Pfortmüller, Michel Bachmann & Sita Magnuson

The framework

The framework has 5 elements that strengthen the health of a community:

The Fire - The possibility that brings us together.

The Web - The relationships that hold us together.

The Rhythm - The rituals that connect us.

The Circles - The roles we can play.

The Spiral - Our individual and collective journeys.

Explore the framework

All Community Weaving documents are published with a Creative Commons license BY-NC-SA 4.0. Learn how to make it your own here.

An overview about the framework.

The framework explained in detail, including resources & practices.

Open the Handbook


Apply the framework to your own community. 

Open the Community Weaving Canvas & make a copy to capture the key aspects of your community on a single page.

[COMING SOON] Open our Miro template to collaborate on the framework.

Other Frameworks

There are many great community frameworks out there. Check out this list & find one that fits your needs.

Community Weaving is inspired by our partner project, the Community Canvas, a tool to co-develop a community strategy.

Get involved

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Join our LinkedIn group for community weavers working with the framework or curious about applying the framework and email us with ideas and feedback (

Do you want to dive deeper into this work and learn with other community weavers? Sign-up to be notified of upcoming workshops and trainings. Or email us if you’d like to bring this to your organization.

Join a workshop


Contribute your favorite community practices to our Community Weaving Handbook.

Would you like to support the development of future iterations? Awesome, please contribute to our Open Collective.

Contribute translation

Would you like to translate the framework to another language? Amazing, please get in touch